Thank you for your generous, sustaining support!

  • When you become a monthly donor, you will help seniors thrive year-round.
  • Your monthly donation is also an easy way to budget your charitable giving.
  • In order that your donation adequately covers the cost of monthly credit card processing, please consider giving $15 or more per month, and elect a monthly payment in full-dollar increments.
  • Each January, JCA will mail you a summary of your annual giving, to use in tax preparation.
Amount you would like to donate monthly*
Date you would like to begin your monthly donations
Your Name as it appears on your credit card*
We will send your donation confirmation by email.
Best number to reach you in case of any issues with your donation. We will NEVER call you to solicit donations.
Other examples: The Hon..., Dr..., the Donor Family..., is there an additional donor we should thank?
Your Mailing Address*
Do you wish to designate your gift to a particular JCA program?*
Please consider unrestricted giving, which allows JCA to use your donation to support grant applications.
Designated Program
Would you like to dedicate this donation to someone?*
Type of dedication:
Name of person or organization
Would you like us to send an acknowledgement of your gift to the honoree?*
How would you like us to deliver the acknowledgement?
Honoree's Mailing Address
Would you like us to send an acknowledgement of this memorial gift to a friend or relation of the deceased?*
How would you like us to deliver this memorial acknowledgement?
Mailing Address - Acknowledgement of Memorial Gift