Your generous gift will care for seniors today!

  • To make a one-time donation, which provides JCA with the ability to meet critical needs now, please complete this form.
  • Monthly giving provides JCA with a source of ongoing support we can depend on, and provides you with an easy way to budget your charitable giving. If, instead, you wish to make a monthly, sustaining donation, return to the Monthly Donation form.
Amount you would like to donate $*
Your Name*
We will send your donation confirmation by email.
Best number to reach you in case of any complications with your donation
Your Mailing Address
Other examples: The Hon..., Dr..., The Donor Family..., Is there an additional donor we should thank?
Optional: Does this payment go toward the fulfillment of a previous pledge?
Do you wish to designate your gift to a particular JCA program?*
Please consider unrestricted giving, which allows JCA to use your donation to match grant applications.
Designated Program*
Would you like to dedicate this donation to someone?*
Type of dedication:
Name of person or organization
Would you like us to send an acknowledgement of your gift to the honoree?
How would you like us to deliver the acknowledgement?
Honoree's Mailing Address
Would you like us to send an acknowledgement of this memorial gift to a friend or relation of the deceased?
How would you like us to deliver this memorial acknowledgement?
Mailing Address - Acknowledgement of Memorial Gift
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